2024 donor activity -【Blood Donation Experience Tour】

Posted on 16/07/2024

To provide donors with a richer blood donation experience and knowledge, thus enabling a deeper understanding of the humanitarian value and impact of blood donation, we have organized three "Blood Donation Experience Tours" on the 16th, 24th, and 31st July 2024 respectively for the “Friends of Red Cross”.

The activity is mainly divided into two parts. Visitors are first led by the staff of the Blood Transfusion Service to learn about the history of blood donation. With explanations from laboratory staff, they gain insights into the operation of the blood bank, the process of blood distribution, and the types of blood products.


In the second half of the event, staff provide detailed explanations of the blood donation process to participants and address various questions related to blood donation. Some visitors opt to donate blood after the tour.


For more information about blood donation, please visit this webpage.


Feedback from visitors


"This event has made me understand more about blood donation."


"Thank you to all the staff for their clear explanations."


"The arrangements for this event were very thoughtful."

Staff of the Blood Transfusion Service introduce visitors to the history of blood donation. Laboratory staff introduce various blood products. Laboratory staff explains the operation of the blood bank and the process of blood distribution. Visitors eagerly engage in the mini game session. Visitor donated blood after the tour.


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